How to Become a Librarian in Montana - 2024 Guide

by Staff

Updated: May 10th, 2024

Montana’s Treasure Trove: Why You Should Become a Librarian in Big Sky Country

Libraries are far more than just repositories for books. In Montana’s vast and spread-out communities, librarians play a vital role. They are educators, digital navigators, event organizers, and champions of lifelong learning. Here’s why becoming a librarian in Montana could be your perfect career move.

Why Montana Needs Librarians

  • Bridging the Digital Divide: Montana has areas with limited internet access. Librarians bridge this gap by offering free computer use, internet workshops, and digital literacy training, empowering Montanans to participate in the online world.
  • Supporting Entrepreneurship: The Montana Libraries SPARK program trains librarians to assist aspiring entrepreneurs. Librarians help with everything from business plan creation to finding resources.
  • Community Hubs: Libraries host cultural events, story times, and technology classes, fostering a sense of community and offering enriching experiences, especially in rural areas.

Becoming a Montana Librarian

If you’re passionate about information access and empowering communities, here’s how to get started:

Education Requirements by Librarian Type

  • School Librarians: In addition to the MLIS, Montana requires school librarians to have an educator license (see Montana school librarian certification requirements).
  • Public Librarians: An MLIS is preferred for public librarian positions, though some may accept a bachelor’s degree in Library Science.
  • Academic Librarians: Academic librarians typically need an MLIS and a subject master’s degree in a relevant field.

Beyond the Degree

Beyond the hard skills, librarians need to be well-rounded with the possession of great soft skills as well. 

  • Strong Research Skills: Librarians excel at finding information and evaluating its credibility.
  • Communication Skills: You’ll be interacting with people from all walks of life, so clear and patient communication is key.
  • Technology Expertise: Librarians need to be comfortable with various technologies to assist patrons with online resources and databases.

Becoming a librarian in Montana offers the chance to make a real difference in people’s lives. With a love of learning and the right qualifications, you can help Montanans of all ages reach their full potential.